Off-Campus Account Request

Note: You would need to sign in first with your UA&P Email Account ( in order to fill out the form below. If you do not have one, you need to request for an account from the ICT Office. If you see a message on the form below saying "You've already responded," it means that you have already filled out the form before using your account. If this is the case, please check your mailbox for any message pertaining to your request. Get in touch with our librarians for further assistance.

Off-Campus Access is a privilege given only to UA&P students and staff in order to access the University's licensed library resources outside the campus. If you are a student or employee of UA&P, you may fill out the Application Form below to request for an Off-campus Access Account (OCAA). 

After filling out the OCAA Application Form, your application will be reviewed and processed and you will receive an email from the ICT Help Desk, with your OCAA username and password. Once you have the details of your OCAA, you may configure your web browser for off-campus access by following the Instructions for Off-Campus Journal Access.