The Handbook of Academic Integrity of UA&P has been released

August 20, 2020

Students and faculty members who would like to use the facilities of other libraries may request a referral letter from the reference librarian.

Faculty members whose research necessitates the use of materials available only from other libraries may ask the librarians for the referral letter.

This service provides users with scanned texts (pdf) of journal articles and book chapters delivered to the users’ mail.

The librarians on duty assist library patrons with the location and circulation of library materials.

Table of contents of new journals are reproduced and sent to the different Deans and Department Heads. Journal articles requested are photocopied or scanned and sent to the requesting faculty.

The library provides pathfinders of professional courses to assist the students and faculty in their search for print, multimedia, and online journals available in the collection.

The required reading list indicated in the course syllabus are accessible in Ex Libris Primo by using the simple search or advance search options. The course reserves are searchable by course code, professor name and by book title.

Faculty members and the Library Advisers Committee members may recommend books and resources using the Primo Purchase Request Form for additional reference to the collection.

Periodic posting of bibliography of newly acquired books in the library bulletin boards. While an electronic copy is sent to the Deans, Department Chairs, and to the Library Advisers Committee (LAC) members. 

The user may donate learning resources to the library by accomplishing the Resource Donation Form, which will be reviewed by the Technical Services Division.

Link to Resource Book Donation Form:

The library provides instruction to all stakeholders on library services and collections that meet educational, research, and informational needs. Patrons may request to schedule an Information Literacy session with the Library.

Public Access Computing services (PAC 1 & 2) are located in level 4 of the University Library. PAC services include document printing and scanning and are for the exclusive use of UA&P internal stakeholders. Apple iMac units are also available for multimedia editing needs.

You may view the PAC guidelines and matrix of fees here (requires login to your UA&P account).

It houses audio-video materials such as DVDs, CDs, VHS, maps, and other instructional materials.

  • Reservation of DSLR camera is on a first-come first serve basis. Borrowers must present a valid UA&P ID at the DEEL Info desk.
  • Borrowers must accomplish and submit the DSLR borrower’s slip and accountability form at the DEEL Infodesk.
  • Students and staff can borrow a DSLR camera for a maximum of (4) hours per day or may extend for one hour as long as there is no one else scheduled to use the unit.
  • The DSLR camera must be returned 30 minutes before DEEL closes at 7:00 p.m. 
iMac workstation
  • The patron must surrender his UA&P ID at the Ejercito Library Infodesk upon completion of the registration form.
  • iMac workstation can be reserved for a maximum of three hours per  day for one (1) student/staff per computer
  • The iMac units are exclusively for audio and video editing of files, graphics, publications, etc.
iPad tablet
  • Students/Staff may reserve the tablet at the DEEL Info desk for a maximum of three hours per day.
    • A duly accomplished borrower’s slip must be presented together with the UA&P ID when borrowing an iPad tablet unit.
    • All iPad tablets must be strictly used to access e-books including UA&P electronic resources subscription. The tablets is accessible within the library premises.
  • Faculty and administrative staff may use the iPad tablet for department and or unit related activity purpose.
  • Individual Study Zone –For quiet study and independent learning.
  • Group Study Zone – For quiet group study. Patrons may interact with each other, discuss, and talk in a low voice.
  • Discussion/Viewing Room – A separate room provided for students and faculty for viewing films and doing research and group reports.
  • Individual Study Carrel – Available for 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students working on their research papers; or for graduate students and faculty working on their thesis or feasibility study.  Reservations are made for a maximum of four (4) hours per day and can be extended for a week in case there are few recorded reservations. 
  • Faculty members and Library Advisers Committee members can access the Primo discovery system to request for purchase of books and non-books for inclusion in the library collection.
  • The photocopier is strictly for the photocopying of library resources such as book chapter and journal articles.
  • Photocopying of theses and feasibility studies are not allowed.
Partnerships/External Linkages
  • UA&P is a member library of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas – Knowledge Resource Network (BSP-KRN). A dedicated corner in the DEEL houses the collection of the BSP-KRN. All BSP-KRN resources are also searchable in the Primo discovery system with the collection/location tag “BSP-KRN” before the call number of the resource. 
  • Students and employees with outstanding library accountabilities should settle their accounts before the library would release their clearance.
  • An Off-Campus Access Accunt (OCAA) is required to access the online subscriptions from outside the University campus. If you still do not have an OCAA, please accomplish and submit the online form found in the library webpage to request for an off-campus access account. Your UA&P cloud account will be required for this transaction.
  • Please expect to receive within 24 hours via email the off-campus instructional guide from the ICT Office.

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